Fair Woodworking

February 18, 2012

Marked for life

Filed under: Fair Woodworking & Hand Tool Blog,Favorite tools,Hand tool,Marking Gauge — fairwoodworking @ 4:05 pm

Sometimes I need to remind myself that not every word I type needs to be from atop of my soap box. So just for fun, I thought that I could take a moment to share about a couple of my favorite tools.

The other day I was using one of my marking gauges, and I was reminded that the one I had in my hand was clearly my favorite. In the occasion of a fire, if I had the chance to grab some favorite tools I would have to say this would be on the short list. It’s a tool that would be easily replaced, but I just really like it.

It’s my cutting gauge by Cullen Tools, shown here with it’s brother the mortice gauge.

It’s just such a beautiful tool, it’s a dream to hold. It’s a very well made tool that works quite well, but while it’s my favorite, it’s not my favorite to use. As good as it is, it just does not compare to my go to user.

The Tite-Mark, shown in back is everything that the hype has said it is. In the front is another great tool. The Pocket Marking Gauge, that is great for marking smaller light duty applications.

Editors note 07/20/16. I should mention that a few years ago it gave away my Pocket Marking gauge. It fell out of favor in my shop after one of the heads slipped out of position one too many times. Bottom line is that as cute as it is, the tightening knobs on it are far too small to tighten properly.

They are all handy, and I do find that they do all shine in certain tasks. I also at times have all three set to different settings in one project.

Very handy!

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