Fair Woodworking

November 5, 2022

4 Years Lost

Filed under: Fair Woodworking & Hand Tool Blog — fairwoodworking @ 10:02 pm

Ok fine, I’ll admit it.

I may not have this social media thing figured out.

The fame,

The glory,

The wine, women, and song may have gotten to me….

In fact “We” will need to pause while I attempt to insert a picture here….

There may not be any pictures by the way things are going…

No wait, there we go, but now I’ve forgotten what I was saying.

It seems I’ve wandered off from the original path. I’d started a blog so that some day, one day, when my hands had failed me, and my skills had fallen short, I would have a place to go back and look at the good old days when I was developing my skills and striving for my best.

I wandered off to IG land. The land of milk and honey, that we all now regret giving the time of day.

But that may be too harsh, I’ve learned a lot over there in the “dark side” and met some great people, and from that, met more great people. It hasn’t been so bad.

But now an #UnTurnedPencils empire has been built outside of this little place I once called home. The journey of discovery, a story lost and there really isn’t any way to pull it back over here. Truth be told, had it only been birthed on this little blog, it may never have come to anything, and now…. Will anyone even see this?

Does it matter?

It didn’t in the beginnig.

It was an anonymous blog, written to nobody but myself.

Who knew that one day, I’d look at this all and know that my posts touched a wee little niche group.

Since my last post, a lot has happened, and I no longer feel like a tiny voice in the wilderness. There are many of us out there, and I have come to rely on many other tiny voices out there.

If you see this, and you would like to see me back in the blogisworld, let me know.

I’ve now reached an age where some will call me old, but I’m far too young to call this the end.


  1. Come back. All is forgiven

    Comment by Tony — November 5, 2022 @ 11:20 pm

  2. I miss blogs Ric. It would be great if you could start a movement repopularizing them.

    Comment by mdavischeshire — November 6, 2022 @ 6:57 am

  3. You should’ve taken that left at Albuquerque, but the important thing is you’re back.

    Comment by Steve — November 6, 2022 @ 8:31 am

  4. I’m not a person that wants to go back to the past, but what we exchanged in the move to social media from the blogsphere was not a simple exchange. We (initially) got more connections to great people, but in exchange we gave away ridiculously well written posts and depth of knowledge. If we can put the genie back in the bottle, and get some of that back, I’m all for it.

    Comment by Jeremy — November 8, 2022 @ 11:28 am

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